May 20-June 20, 2011
Columbia, SC
Field of Good Fortune, 2011
digital vinyl prints mounted on aluminum
6 units 48″x144″ each
Field of Good Fortune is a series of human scale fortune cookie fortunes. These fortunes are printed on conventional sign material mounted on sheeting and arranged to create a series of pathways in the grassy area on the corner of Main and Lady. This arrangement is intended to redefine the space allowing the viewer to walk around and experience the grassy area in a new context. The large-scale fortunes provide a moment of respite and reflection in the capitol city. Each fortune was chosen from the artist’s extensive collection of fortune cookie fortunes. The selected fortunes, while seeming random and cryptic provide the citizens of Columbia a point from which to contemplate their own personal good fortune and well-being.
“Cookie Messages grow into Public Art”- The State Newspaper
“Giant Fortune Cookie Messages invade Columbia”- WLTX Channel 19 news
“Artist hopes to bring good fortune to Columbia”-WIS TV Channel 10 news
“Jonathan Brilliant’s Cookie Fortunes decorate Columbia Street Corner- Daily Gamecock”
“Columbia Design League Offers Installation by Jonathan Brilliant”